Mayat Pesakit Ebola Bangkit Semula Dan Menggigit Manusia

Pekerja WHO dan orang kampung berlari dengan huru-hara selepas 2 mayat kembali hidup dan cuba menggigit mereka. Laporan pertama tentang Mayat hidup semula datang dari Liberia, Africa. Di Bandar Ganta, penduduk sedang berwaspada selepas pesakit yang mati akibat penyakit Ebola dinampak ‘ berjalan-jalan tidak tentu arah, dan mengaum-ngaum.’
Dua pesakit Ebola, yang membesar di bandar yang sangat kaya, Nimba County, hidup semula didepan keluarga mereka sendiri. Laporan menunjukkan yang pesakit itu berumur dari 40-60 tahun. Sebuah acara mengebumikan mayat sedang diadakan untuk kedua-dua pesakit ini. Penduduk bandar dengan cepat menjadi kagum dan terperanjat, hingga menyebabkan keadaan menjadi sangat huru-hara apabila mayat hidup semula.

Kedua-dua mayat pesakit hidup semula hanya beberapa minit sebelum dikebumikan. Laporan dari Afrika menunjukkan yang 2 perkerja WHO yang digigit mayat pesakit dijangkiti dengan virus Ebola. Banyak negeri lain juga melaporkan yang perkerja WHO sering digigit oleh keluarga-keluarga dan orang yang tidak dikenali, tetapi lebih banyak laporan menunjukkan yang perkerja ini digigit oleh orang yang seperti tidak sedar diri
betul ke?????????????????????????? isu yang popular  dishare oleh para blogger dan media sosial. jangan percaya bulat-bulat.

In an area of Nimba County, Liberia there are 2 cases of women in separate villages rising from the dead after they had died from the very deadly Ebola virus! These are the first cases of resurrection of people who had already died from the dread Ebola. One woman was in her 40’s and the other in her 60’s. They were from two different villages in Liberia. The newspaper New Dawn Nimba County said that the deceased Doris Quoi, of Hope Village Community, and Ms Kebeh, in her late 60’s, were being prepared to be buried when they mysteriously came back into the land of the living. This report is causing fear along with panic in those villages.
          Ma Kebeh was indoors for two nights without food or medication in the days just before her death from the Ebola virus. Strange Ebola cases are being reported in Nimba County. One of the cases is about a local doctor there who was claiming he could cure infected people finally dying of the same disease himself! The virus’ outbreak has already killed more than 2,800 persons in 5 African countries, and the USA’s Centers for Disease Control believe that worldwide Ebola cases are being far under-reported. The CDC has said openly that there could be 1.4 MILLION cases by this January if the proper steps aren’t ordered. More than 5,800 people in Africa have been infected. Not all of them die, some just live in unending pain for the rest of their lives. The CDC thinks that there could be 21,000 cases of Ebola just in Liberia and Sierra Leone countries in Africa by the end of the month if people don’t do the right things trying to prevent this ugly and painful disease. Steps must be taken or the world’s entire population is all at risk! Doctors worldwide are concerned and they should know!
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