facebookfortunes | You can make $$$ using Facebook!

Direct link >>> https://hifpurchase.com/fb/

Beberapa hari lalu,ketika saya update window,tiba-tiba terjadi perubahan pada semua browser di laptop,terdapat iklan yang tidak dikenalpasti tiba-tiba muncul di laman, yang saya buka,termasuk blogger,terpaparlah Iklan Facebook Furtune ini,nampak macam menarik Juga,tetapi saya abaikan Iklan tersebut,siang tadi saya teringat pula dengan Iklan ini,dimana tawaranya adalah menjana pendapatan mudah melalui laman facebook,tergerak hati saya hendak mengetahuinya,saya cuba mencari tahu,Hati-hati jika anda hendak mengisi butir-butir bagi ,GET MY FREE LOGIN NOW, maklumat yang saya dapat adalah:


 Roger answered 4 days ago

The site said it was free, the email confirmations said it was free. The credit card info was just for age verification purposes. But HIF sees the term "free" rather loosely, as they charged $157 to my credit card. I never gave them permission for that, nor did I authorize them to take that amount. It's not just a scam, it's fraud. My bank is investigating the fraudulent charge and cancelled it. Also my card has been cancelled. That may sort it for me personally, but something really should be done about this. Does anybody know whether reporting it to the FBI would do any good? 

 KedaB edited 2 weeks ago

It is a scam. There is no unsubscribe option, I've tried. It charged my credit card the very next day and now I'm gonna have to contact my credit card company to see if I can get my money back. I just wanted an opportunity to work from home to get out of debt and now I'm in worse debt. :( This blows. Plus of course there is no answer at the phone number, email or live chat. 

semasa pendaftaran anda akan diminta untuk mengisi no kad debit anda,untuk terus mendapatakan Login Percuma.tetapi apa yang berlaku adalah,selepas pendaftaran selesai,pemohonan anda masuk ke email anda,untuk pengesahan,anda akan menerima sms dari bank yang telah anda daftarkan tadi,menyatakan,anda telah dikenakan cas,duit dalam akaun anda telah ditolak atau dipotong sekian-sekian. sedangkan apa yang diisi pada pendaftaran adalah untuk login free.

Home Income Flow or Facebook Fortune – All Scam!

Who wouldn’t wanna get a piece of the facebook success pie if possible, right? We spend hours on facebook after all, and people can’t seem to get enough posting just about anything on their pages. So given the opportunity, wouldn’t you want to earn money online while browsing, and just by posting links? Not only will it keep you active online, it will also pay you for doing what you normally do anyways.

Oh well, at least this was the promise. And yes, I speak from experience! I have been stupid enough to enter a few digits of information online, and by the time I stopped and wondered, it was a little bit too late.

The ad was enticing, it even had a video in a news format where someone was being interviewed about working from home and earning money online,.. not just the regular salary – money, a lot of money! – with a promise of maybe even more if you put in a few extra hours and a little bit more effort. Now, who wouldn’t want that?

The ad even had a couple of testimonials… oh you bet they are lies! But I don’t think any of these things that they used for the ad was meant for it. For they most part maybe they got the information of a few people online and used these to create fake testimonials. Even the video wasn’t pertaining  particularly to the home income flow system.

Okay, so there I was so baited with the ads. So I thought to myself, maybe I can try this, – the ad says Free Trial anyways! So there was a form to fill, and then it asked for my card information – but it says only for identity and age verification – and so I fell!

facebook fortune It says $0.00 right? Well, NO.

The next morning I was surprised to see that my account online. It has been charged some Php 4,300+ for this stupid indiscretion, thinking that inputting my bank account information was simply for verification.

Fine, so I have paid for something that was promised I could do for free. Maybe I can try to use one way or another to earn as they promised. So I logged in, and checked what was in there. I paid for it so maybe they have a few information on how can I earn my money back, right? But even the Member’s site, it’s no good. Now they’re asking me to sign up and create my free website with http://www.brainhost.com/ ,.. but guess what – it is NOT for free! And hell no, I will not be putting my information again! So if http://www.brainhost.com/ is not associated with this scam, they better help us track this site down because they will be accomplices. Soon enough there will be parameters and legal consequences for these fraudulent and malicious deceits. If not, then I am holding on to Karma to spite them.

members page Now this is the Member’s Page.

So after scamming me into paying whatever, I’ve decided to see if this lemon may have some juice in it. So here’s the member’s page. Nothing, absolutely nothing in here works! Those links on top where you’re suppose to clock on for some tutorial videos? They do not play! Oh well, maybe for 10 seconds and then an error message will appear. I tried in in any and all browsers available, I’ve tried it with a desktop, a computer shop PC just to make sure it wasn’t my internet connection,.. and NOTHING! At least if they’re earning from this scam I would hope they would have a few videos up and running just to give us SCORNED a glimpse of hope right?

Well then, I tried the Chat Live, there were no operators whatsoever, at any time of day! There is No unsubscribe button, no way to contact anyone whatsoever!

Please be aware everyone. I have been naive until this day. I have done a lot of online activities and transactions that yielded to great results so I have never been so cautious, but the warnings were right after all. There are indeed scams out there. And this is definitely one of them. Sadly, this is me learning the lesson the hard way. So I encourage everyone to share this so no one can fall victim again.

After being horrified by this, I tried searching for reviews online about this, – too late, right?! There were very few reviews and it’s sad. At this point and rate, I would have expected an overwhelming scam reports telling people to stay away from this.

Instead, I found several other sites but only with a different domain who operates the same way,.. Flagging successfully, enticing everyone who would bite and stealing money from us. Here’s some of them.

These are all SCAMS! They use the same facebook fortune tactic and form.There’s a lot more out there! Help me spread the news and comment a scam site if you know one that is not on this list yet. From now on I will watch out for these sites and maybe in time can collect enough information and assistance to finally put a stop to this. For now, information dissemination is all we have against it.

Jadi jika tidak mahu menanggung risiko sila abaikan Iklan Facebook Fortune.
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