What is Alexa Traffic Rank?
In simple terms, Alexa Traffic Rank is a rough measure of a website's popularity, compared with all the others out there on the internet, taking into account both the number of visitors and the number of pages viewed on each visit.
Alexa Graph Widget
Alexa collects traffic data on a daily basis from millions of users who have installed the Alexa toolbar, and other sources, and then uses a complex mathematical formula on three months' worth of data to arrive at the ranking for each site.
This can be interpreted as the website's position in a massive league table based on both visitor numbers and the number of pages viewed by each visitor. The 'most popular' site is given a rank of 1, the second 'most popular' a rank of 2, and so on down to the millions of websites that receive relatively few visitors.
Tingatkan traffick blog atau website anda dengan mendaftar dan memasang widget Alexa ... disini
lihtlah adakah blog atau website anda popular.
Alexa adalah, perkhidmatan internet yang memantau trafik sesebuah website atau blog,anda boleh mengetahui sejauh mana website atau blog anda dikenali oleh pembaca diseluruh dunia,dan pembaca di negara anda sendiri.dengan pencarian di search engine.saya tidak mengajar bagaimana anda memasang widget alexa dan memantau page rank blog anda disini,ini hanya info untuk anda sebagai blogger.dengan memasang widget ini,kedudukan blog saya semakin meningkat.
contoh widget Alexa yang dipasang di blog ini,
sila klik widget dibawah untuk melihat kedudukan blog ini dalam rank Alexa.saya memasang widget ini rasanya baru 2 minggu,hari demi hari,perubahan berlaku.dengan ranking 7 juta ke 1 juta.didunia.